Today was very interesting, in the morning I managed to get there quite early, luckily at that time of day there wasnt much traffic.
Trying to catch up on everything that has gone on in the week, this week there just seems like there hasn't been enough hours in the day.
Its Study Skills this week and we are going to have to complete our assignment by next Thursday. That will be here before we know it.
Today first of all we tried to complete our PowerPoint presentation that was done between me, Helen and Rachel. The thing that I was most impressed with was mastering the hyperlink and I am going to try (it may not work) but try to post a video on here just to see if it actually works.
Excuse the post, its just something from when I was a kid and made me smile :D
I think that we worked well as a team and managed to actually get a spider diagram of ideas and then plan around that. Our presentation was on how TV makes an impact on children aged between 1-5 years. But the referencing is something that I'm struggling with. So any help it would be much appreciated (hint hint).
I spent most of my morning trying to figure out what I do everyhour per week and I didn't realise that I spent about 58 hours a week sleeping!! Disgraceful. If only I could do that in one go and then everything would be sorted.
We also had to solve a moider (thats murder to most folks). This involved us in our group trying to sort out little pieces of paper to form a story and then work out who out of 3 characters, who was murdered, who commited the murder, what the motive was, what the murder weapon was, the location and the murder weapon was.
It only took about 45 minutes I think and 3 people were observing. We learnt that in every group there is a certain structure and there is a certain pattern that most groups go through, according to Tuckerman and Belbin.
When doing the murder task we fell completely into the roles that had been discovered. Questioner, clarifyer, joker etc. There was also a sub group that went away and tried to come up with some ideas themselves and then reported back to the main group. The sub group seemed to be the group where the jokers were and they chipped in every so often which really helped lift the mood of the main group. It was difficult to get your voice heard in a large group but patience was a huge factor, I personally feel that if the jokers hadn't been there I would have got a lot more frustrated and maybe started to get annoyed but this didn't happen so I understand how useful they can be in the group dynamic.
After lunch we then went back into the PC room and I just tried to make some headway on the study skills module but i didn't do as much as i had hoped.
Anyway, back at home now, dinner then back off to work 18:00 - 22:00 wish me luck.......
C xx
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